Before I had my children I was fairly confident in the way my body looked. I used to sport short t-shirts, have my midriff on display and prance around in low cut jeans. Now, I can usually be found in high waisted jeans and a jumper, no flesh on show and comfort has taken over…how times have changed.
There are parts of my post pregnancy body that I quite like (my boobs, or sacks as I like to call them, are bigger and fuller than the fried eggs I once had) and then there are other parts that, quite frankly I don’t like anyone to see.
My mum is lucky enough to have carried four children and has gained 0 stretch marks…none. I did not inherit this trait. I on the other hand, have a stomach which resembles a page from an A-Z. This is not an exaggeration, I wish it was, they are serious. While I do not like the reflection of the stomach I see glaring back at me and the fact that at this moment I would not consider wearing a low cut bikini (I have high waisted ones that cover my lines up) I really do want to change my perspective and accept, even appreciate my stretch marks. I don’t want to see them as unattractive, unflattering and ugly. I want nothing more than to be able to look at them as stripes earned through change and the miracle of growing and carrying our beautiful children as lots of women do. I want to see them as Mr Be does. He knows how I feel about them and will kiss my stomach which brings tears to my eyes. He doesn’t care about them. I’m just not there…yet.
But, how do I get there? Does anyone else feel this way? Wanting to accept your body image completely but still have that annoying, negative, niggling feeling you can’t shake? Talk to me…
Complete self acceptance is a key thing for me going forward into 2018, to feel comfortable, confident and beautiful in the skin I’m in……